4th year

The objective of the courses is to develop clinical and communication skills in various areas of pediatrics.
Clinical teaching is arranged in one-week blocks at the 2nd Department of Pediatrics of Comenius University Medical School and University Children´s Hospital on the „Kramare“.

  • Each pediatric block consists of five clinical modules posted also on the Department’s noticeboard.
  • Each module focuses on a group of diagnosis and conditions, which are most frequent and specific for a given pediatric age group (newborns, toddlers and children).
  • Teaching begins at the Department section at 8.30 a.m. as specified on the schedule. In the case of absence, supplementation of the internship is required, until the exam period begins.
  • Students are expected to come to the modules with sound basic theoretical knowledge in order to properly approach and understand clinical cases. Self-learning is, therefore strongly encouraged. Those, without necessary basic knowledge of any of the topics of interest are at risk of disqualifying themselves and being asked for repeating the module.
  • During each pediatric block, each student will write a detailed case report. This should include a complete medical history, results of thorough physical examination, appropriate laboratory results and, most importantly, a detailed discussion and differential diagnosis of the given case (simple copying of textbook chapters is strongly discouraged!). At the last module, the essence of the case report will be orally presented to colleagues and discussed with the teacher.

The course is focused on taking a history and performing a physical examination and includes topics such as growth and development, nutritional needs of a child, immunization schedules and management of common diseases of infancy and childhood.
The broad goals of the teaching of undergraduate students in Pediatrics are to acquire knowledge and appropriate skills for optimally dealing with major health problems of children.
This knowledge is also required in a practical part of examination and in a test examination.
Students are required to wear their identification card on visible place. It is the responsibility of students to come dressed appropriately, wearing special shoes for hospital (not same as for outside). You will also need stethoscope, pen and paper.

The knowledge of basic slovak phrases is strictly needed for the physical examination of a child and a history taking!

Recommended literature:

  • Your notes from lectures and practicals
  • Kovács L.: Introduction to Pediatrics, Bratislava, 2001
  • Kapellerová A. a kolektív: Propedeutika detského lekárstva, 2. vydanie, Bratislava, 1997
  • Kovács L., Podracká Ľ.: Pediatria – 1000 otázok a odpovedí. Osveta, Martin, 2005